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Damon's New Office
(plus 2 hours and 2,500 post-it notes)
February 28th, 2004

Damon has been playing tricks on me for a few days now. So I came in on the weekend and did some "re-decorating" in his office. He didn't see it until Monday morning when he came in and opened his office door.

His office blinds were closed, his door was shut and locked, and I left this post-it in the middle of his door.

It says "Can you pick up some more post-its, we're running low". :)

Update: Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004 - We all tried to come in early Monday morning with our cameras but Damon beat us in.

He said he read the note and thought "but we have a whole stack of post-its in the storage room", then opened his door. He looked inside and was so stunned he just simply closed his door again and stood there for a few moments before venturing in.

Donna got in a few minutes after Damon and took this picture just as he was sitting down. For the rest of the day Damon and visitors to his office were frequently seen with post-its stuck to their clothes or trying to peel them off their shoes.

He was a great sport about it and is currently planning his pay back... :) Email him your ideas at

Update: Sunday, March 21nd, 2004

We shared our story with 3M, the makers of post-its, and they must have got a kick out of it because they sent us 3 cases of post-its "for future decorating".

I guess Damon won't need to pick up some more post-its after all. We'll have enough now to last us for a long long time!

Thanks 3M! :)

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