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James's Birthday Balloons
(640 balloons, 3-4 hours)
March 21th, 2004

This is James, our new marketing guy.

We wanted to do something special for his birthday so we decided to get him some balloons.

A lot of balloons!

His birthday is actually March 29th, but we figured we'd catch him off guard and do it a week early.

Update: Monday, March 22nd, 2004

James came in earlier than everyone else. He thought maybe it was just a "balloon wall" and pulled up a corner of the plastic to try and get to his chair. Once inside he discovered that it was in fact filled solid with balloons.

He pulled them all out and when I arrived the office floor was blanketed in balloons!

We used some big fans we happen to have here to blow them all into the kitchen and popped them all (650) when everybody arrived.

It took about 3-4 hours to fill them up, even with an air pump, but only about 2-3 minutes to pop them all with thumbtacks!

So until next year... Happy Birthday James!

PS: Send your comments and happy birthday wishes to

Also check out: 2,500 post-it notes covering Damon's office